About us

The Archival Society of Slovenia strives to develop and popularize the archival profession and cultural heritage and to promote archival professional ethics.

The Society promotes and encourages the development of archivists and other activities in the field of the protection and study of archives, especially through professional scientific-research, exchange of experiences and professional development in a broad sense, bringing together archival workers, other citizens, legal entities and associations interested in the archival activity, the development of archivistics and the protection of archives.

For achievements in the field of archival science and popularization of archival activity, the Society awards biennially the Aškerc Awards and the Aškerc Recognition Awards.

Name Archival Society of Slovenia
HQ Poljanska cesta 40,
SI-1000 Ljubljana
TN 31078745
Registration number 5060133000
IBAN SI56 0208 3001 9446 150
Activity code S 94.120 Activities of professional membership organizations
t+386 (0)1 24 14 258
w www.arhivsko-drustvo.si
e tajnik@arhivsko-drustvo.si
e predsednik@arhivsko-drustvo.si
Responsible officer Mojca Horvat, president


The Assembly of Members is the highest body of the Society, which decides on the most important issues of the Society’s activities. It consists of all members of the Society.

The Executive Board of the Society is the executive body of the Assembly of Members, which performs organizational, professional, technical and administrative work and directs the work of the Society between two assemblies of members according to the program and following the guidelines or resolutions adopted by the Assembly of Members. It is responsible for its work to the Assembly of Members..

Executive Board:
Mojca Horvat, President of the Society
Anja Prša, Vice President of the Society
Anja Props, Secretary of the Society
Nina Hvalec
Jernej Komac, Editor-in-Chief of Publication Arhivi
Nataša Majerič Kekec
Luka Mlekuž
Blaž Otrin, MPhil
Miha Preinfalk, PhD
Anja Snoj
Dejan Zadravec, PhD, Editor-in-Chief of Publication Viri
Tanja Žohar

The President, Vice-President and Secretary of the Society constitute the Chairmanship of the Executive Board.

The Supervisory Board supervises and monitors the work of the Society and its bodies, financial operations, disposition of assets and the implementation of provisions, rules, programs as well as the decisions of the bodies of the Society. It is responsible for its work to the Assembly of Members.

Supervisory Board:
Matej Muženič
Aleš Jambrek
Judita Šega

The Honorary Tribunal considers violations of the rules and other acts of the Society committed by the members of the Society and imposes disciplinary measures. It is responsible for its work to the Assembly of Members.

Honorary Tribunal:
Hana Habjan, MPhil
Vesna Kočevar
Zdenka Semlič Rajh, PhD

About us
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