Welcome to the website of the
Since 1954 has the protection of cultural heritage been our mission.
Since 1954 has the protection of cultural heritage been our mission.
The beginnings of the Archival Society of Slovenia date back to 1948 when an Archival Section was established within the Historical Society of Slovenia. Six years later, the Society of Archival Workers of the People’s Republic of Slovenia was founded.
The Society publishes, in cooperation with Slovene archives, journal ARHIVI, which is the main newsletter of the archival profession in Slovenia. The Society also publishes series VIRI – an important contribution to the research of primary sources and Slovene historiography.
The Aškerc Award and Aškerc Recognition Award for outstanding achievements in archival science and the popularisation of archival activities were launched in 2002 by the Archival Society of Slovenia and are awarded biennially.
On March 22, 2018, an executive board was elected at the electoral assembly of the members of the society.
The Executive Board held ten meetings during its term of office, two of which were held in correspondence. [Read more]
The mission of the Society is to bring together individuals, associations and other legal entities interested in the archival profession, the development of archival science and the protection of archival materials. The Society has also been active internationally since its inception.
The Society promotes and encourages the development of archivistics and other activities in the field of the protection and study of archives, especially through scientific research and exchange of experience and advanced training in a broad sense.
Moreover, everything related to the word “archives” … Our guidelines? A code of ethics for archival staff that connects us to archives worldwide.
Arhivsko društvo Slovenije
Poljanska cesta 40
SI-1000 Ljubljana
+386 12414256